Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Yesterday two USU students stopped in Oasis looking for a book. Enjoyable conversation ensued. I suggested to the woman that the way to be free from irritation toward her boyfriend--who was browsing--was to judge him by perfection, because if she realized that he had to be perfect (sinless) and yet wasn't, she wouldn't be surprised by his failures but would rather relax. She agreed that such was true, but then stated that she couldn't do it because she would then need to judge herself by perfection and her pride wouldn't allow that. Hmmm....
Could it be intuitive that the way to freedom from pride (love of self) is to judge self and all others by moral perfection? Could this be what the New Testament is all about--a new mindset about goodness and life?
"Whoever looks into the perfect law that brings liberty, and keeps looking there, will not be a forgetful hearer but rather an effective doer, and will be blessed in what he does." -James 1:25

[Note: posted on the Oasis FaceBook page fall 2014 the day after the conversation.]

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